Monday, 10 November 2008

Make Money from Home Online

There are an estimated 1,355,110,631 Internet users as of May, 2008 and that number is growing by the second!

The Internet is quickly growing into a world-wide marketplace, which provides a unique opportunity for everyday people like you and I to cash in on it and start making money online!

Ready to Make Money Online?

Sign up below to receive "The Newbies Guide to Internet Marketing" absolutely Free!


There are 2 groups of people who search for ways to get paid online; serious entrepreneurs looking for a long-lasting business model and people just looking to make a little extra money on the side.

Both of these groups of people can reach their goals online, many do everyday, but you must first choose which group you fall into, as the beginning steps are much different for each "model."

-- For those who just want to make a little extra money on the side with little to no learning curve, it's important to understand what works, what doesn't and what type of "opportunites" are actually scams! Just browse through this Web Site to find legit products and information that will help you get started without wasting money or being scammed!

-- For those who want a long-lasting Online Business and aren't afraid of a learning curve, just sign up above to receive "The Newbies Guide to Internet Marketing" (Free) and you'll learn the Internet Marketing basics. This is the first step in building your business and you can rest assured, I'm one of the good guys! I WANT you to succeed, because the more people I help, the more people I'll have to help me in the future!

If you would like to see what I'm up to on a daily basis, stop by my blog, where I share my new findings and ideas to all my viewers at

Blog Marketing - Does it work?

Blog marketing. What is it? Well a blog is sort of like a website that you can get for free. If you can make frequent posts to it with original, fresh content, then you might attract visitors and search engine interest. This gives you an opportunity to promote your business opportunity.

There are millions of blogs online today with seemingly hundreds starting up each week. My question is why?

Answer. Money! Thousands of people think blogging is the magic bullet they have been missing to make their online businesses work. In fact they are encouraged in this by many experts online. They have all started to ‘blog for money’. You see, blogs are so simple to start that a pre-teen could start one.

However, there is a downside to blogging. It takes a lot of time to keep up regular posts and drive traffic to your blog, and a lot of effort to convert some of these into paying customers.

After a few days you begin to realize that the money is not flowing in. You have probably spent a lot of time working on your new blog and have not made a single penny. It’s about now that you realize that this is about hard work.

If you are not making money and you put a value on your time you are now losing money every time you sit down and post to your blog. If you spend 30 minutes a day posting to your blog, you will spend 15 hours in a month and have nothing to show for it.

However, don’t despair.

A really good blog is one that, once you start it, you would keep it up if you never made any money at it. The reasons for this are that the topic of the blog is a passion for you. It is not just about blog marketing. You should have an interest in the subject matter. You should be an expert in what you write about and your expertise shows.

Your readers come back over and over to see what you will say next. They pull out their credit card to buy a product you recommend. They click on a Google ad or subscribe to a newsletter. It is much easier when your blog is kept up to date with useful information. Do this and you will avoid the downside to blogging.

However that’s the problem. You have to be passionate about your subject and you have to keep it updated regularly. Many of us will never write 30 posts in the first month or maybe ever. The Internet is cluttered with blogs that were started with good intentions and abandoned like an orphan.

If you can combine your passion with hard work you can blog for money. However the money side of it should appear to your visitors to be somewhat secondary - almost an after thought.

Blogging is work. Don’t be the victim of the downside to blogging. If your prime purpose is blog marketing and it doesn’t work immediately, then persevere. Make a commitment to post at least once a week instead of daily. If you are passionate, this should be achievable

10 New Ways to Make Money Online

moneySo you want to ditch your corporate cubicle and join the ranks of web workers? But you have a mortgage, maybe a dependent or two, and a taste for Venti Mochas from Starbucks? You can make money in the new economy, though it might not be as easy or cushy as keeping your old economy job.

I’m not talking about advertising or affiliate marketing or selling your junk on eBay. Those are so last millennium! I’m talking about the new new economy.

1. Offer your professional expertise in an online marketplace.These days, you can do more than just sell your old books via Amazon and your old Coach handbags via eBay—now you can sell your professional capabilities in a marketplace. No longer are you limited to looking for a permanent or contract job on Web 1.0 style job sites like Monster or CareerBuilder. The new breed of freelancing and project-oriented sites let companies needing help describe their projects. Then freelancers and small businesses offer bids or ideas or proposals from which those buyers can choose.

Elance covers everything from programming and writing to consulting and design, while RentACoder focuses on software, natch. If you’re a graphic designer, check out options like Design Outpost or LogoWorks–you don’t have to find the customers, they’ll come to you. Wannabe industry analysts might sign up for TechDirt’s Insight Community, a marketplace for ideas about technology marketing.

2. Sell photos on stock photography sites. If people regularly oooo and aaaaah over your Flickr pics, maybe you’re destined for photographic greatness or maybe just for a few extra dollars. It’s easier than ever to get your photos out in front of the public, which of course means a tremendous amount of competition, but also means it might be an convenient way for you to build up a secondary income stream. Where can you upload and market your photos? Try Fotolia, Dreamstime, Shutterstock, and Big Stock Photo.

3. Blog for pay. Despite the explosion of blogs, it’s hard to find good writers who can turn around a solidly-written post on an interesting topic quickly. GigaOM is always looking for bloggers with great content ideas and solid writing skills. How do you get noticed? Comment and link to blogging network sites. Write blog posts that are polished and not overly personal (although showing some personality is a plus).

4. Or start your own blog network. If you like the business side of things–selling advertising, hiring and managing employees, attracting investors–and have the stomach to go up against the likes of Weblogs, Inc., GigaOmniMedia, b5media, maybe you should make an entire business out of blogs. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’ll get a lot of time to write yourself though.

5. Provide service and support for open source software. Just because the software is free doesn’t mean you can’t make money on it–just ask Red Hat, a well-known distributor of Linux that sports a market cap of more than four billion dollars. As a solo web worker, you might not want to jump in and compete with big companies offering Linux support, but how about offering support for web content management systems like WordPress or Drupal? After getting comfortable with your own installation, you can pretty easily jump into helping other people set them up and configure them.

6. Online life coaching. Who has time to go meet a personal coach at an office? And don’t the new generation of web workers need to be met by their coaches in the same way that they work: via email, IM, and VoIP? You could, of course, go through some life coaching certification program, but on the web, reputation is more important than credentials. I bet Tony Robbins isn’t certified as a life coach–and no one can argue with his success. For an example of someone building up their profile and business online as a coach, check out Pamela Slim of Ganas Consulting and the Escape from Cubicle Nation blog.

7. Virtually assist other web workers. Freelancers and small businesses desperately need help running their businesses, but they’re not about to hire a secretary to come sit in the family room and answer phone calls. As a virtual assistant, you might do anything from making travel reservations to handling expense reimbursements to paying bills to arranging for a dog sitter. And you do it all from your own home office, interacting with your clients online and by phone. You can make $20 and up an hour doing this sort of work, depending on your expertise.

8. Build services atop Amazon Web Services. Elastic computing on AWS is so cool… and so incredibly primitive right now. Did you know that you can’t even count on your virtual hard drive on EC2 to store your data permanently? That’s why people are making money right now by offering services on top of AWS. Make it easier for people to use Amazon’s scalability web infrastructure like Enomaly has with elasticlive, a scalable web hosting platform built on AWS.

9. Write reviews for pay or perks. If you blog for any length of time on a particular topic–parenting, mobile phones, or PCs, for example–you will likely be approached to do book or product reviews. You can get free stuff this way, but are you selling your soul? Is there any such thing as a free laptop? These are decisions you’ll have to make for yourself, because no one agrees upon what ethical rules apply to bloggers. Even less do people agree on services like PayPerPost that pay you to write reviews on your blog. Check out disclosure rules closely and see whether such a gig would meet your own personal standards or not.

10. Become a virtual gold farmer. A half million Chinese now earn income by acquiring and selling World of Warcraft gold to gamers in other countries. If you’re not a young person living in China, this probably isn’t a viable option for you. But what’s intriguing about it is the opportunity to make real money working in a virtual economy. People are making real-world money in Second Life too.

What other new ways do you know of to make money online?

How to Make Money Online by Flipping Websites

Flipping website means building websites for the purpose of reselling them for profit. It is an online business opportunity that still not many people know much about it.

Flipping website is profitable. If you know how to run this business and work on it seriously, it is possible to make a living with it.

On Nov 12, this Webnesday, there will be a living training teaching how to earn money online through flipping website. If flipping website sounds like your cup of tea, I would suggest you sign up for the training.

Sign up for website flipping live training

The training will be hold by experts on this field. It is free and you can attend it through the use of Internet. The training will provide you indept info to help you understand the entire process of making money online with website flipping so that you know how to start it from scratch and run it effectively to generate profit.

Flipping website isn't a popular topic like affiliate marketing and eBay selling; there aren't much free info available on the Internet that will guide you through the whole process of website flipping. So, if you have been interested to learn about this online business opportunity, you wouldn't want to miss this live training.

Paid Survey, How to Get Started?

Make money with paid survey, is it just a scam or non-sense. Well, there are actually a lot of reputable market research and consumer companies welcome people to become their members to earn cash participating in their online survey. It is a legitimate way to make money online. Additionally, Paid survey is very popular, there are more than 100,000 people searching for paid surveys every month in Yahoo as recorded in Overture Search tool.

However, the downsides of paid survey is that you will not know how much money you make ever month. The companies only send paid survey invitations to you if you are eligible. If you receive more surveys in the month, you'll earn more. Another problem is that most paid surveys only available to US residents, so people outside US will find hard to make money with paid survey.

Start Earning with Paid Survey in 3 Steps:
  • Step 1 - Create a new e-mail account specially for receiving paid survey invitations. You can use Yahoo, Hotmail and other free email services. This will make finding your survey invitations easier compare to using an existing email that receives plenty of mails daily.
  • Step 2 - Go to to sign up with as many online market research companies as possible. The site compiled a long list of market research companies that offer paid surveys. Sign up with the companies in "Most Popular" category first and then continue to join the rest. This can take few days of work.
  • Step 3 - Wait for paid survey invitations send to you. It can take fews days to months to receive your first survey invitation. You shouldn't rely on paid survey as your main source of income. It can only be a way of earning extra money.

Make Money From Your Web Site

Profit from easy to build web sites

There are a few approaches that one can take when looking into making money with web sites. You can concentrate on a few web sites that make moderate income, hundreds of web sites that make a small income, or one web site that is your "bread and butter." There is no right method and which ever you choose you will still make some money.

Understanding and mastering these six areas of an eBay auction are absolutely essential to maximize the success and profitability of your auctions.

Each of the methods also have a variety of income streams. You can choose to build web sites focused on membership, affiliate networking, adsense (or other related ad services), ebooks, or any combination. Again, the income method you choose is entirely up to you and each can make you some serious money.

Please be patient as we add to this section.

Make Money with Membership web sites

Make Money with Affiliate web sites

Make Money with Adsense web sites

Building a web site from scratch can be daunting if not difficult. If you are not familiar with building web sites, you can find a great how to build a web site guide here.

Earn Cash By Promoting ClickBank Products

Promoting ClickBank products is the easy way to convert your online skills into cash.

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You select the products you wish to promote. We handle all the tracking, accounting, and payouts automatically. With ClickBank as the trusted third party you always get paid what you are owed. Setting up is simple:

  • Sign Up as a ClickBank affiliate.
  • Search the ClickBank Marketplace for products to promote.
  • Incorporate our simple hoplinks into your marketing campaign.
  • That's it!

Sunday, 9 November 2008

How To Make Money On eBay

make money with ebayFree eBay Business Kit >> Learn to Sell on eBay

If you are reading this page, chances are that you are hoping to make a lot of money on eBay. After all, why not? Thousands of people make money with eBay full and part time. Some people sell on eBay as a full time job, others are simply after a second income and use eBay as a hobby. Whatever your goals, you can make money on eBay! So, on to how to make money on ebay!

make money ebay

Pre-requisites: Before you get started raking in the cash, make sure that you start with realistic goals and a positive attitude. We’ll show you how to make money on eBay but, for every successful eBay seller there are at least a hundred others people that won’t make a dime. If you are going to attempt an eBay income, be sure to have fun while doing it. Having fun with eBay is one of the key factors in achieving success and making money on eBay. It’s not just about how to make money on eBay but how to have fun as well.

Getting Started: Now that you have a positive outlook and realistic expectations, it’s time to register with eBay (if you have not already done so). Start by going to and familiarize yourself with the look and feel of the website. Take a look at some of the auctions and buyer / seller comments. Type in your favorite search term in the search box at the top of the screen and see what people are selling. As you can see, eBay is a vast and ever changing website!

Setting Up Your Workspace: One of the most important and essential things you must do as you begin reading these articles is to establish a place where you can work and keep your “stuff.” Few things will stop you from making money on eBay than not having a place where you can organize your references….. (continue to Setting Up Your eBay Business).

4 Steps to Creating A Website Specifically to Earn AdSense Revenue

Building a website to earn Google AdSense advertising revenue has become a popular way to make extra money online nowadays. It is easier to earn AdSense income versus generating sales by selling products or services online. However it does involve works, time and money before you start earning from Adsense program. Below are the steps to creating a content website for earning AdSense revenue.

Step 1
Decide the content of your website. You can write a topic or subject related to your interest, hobbies or experience. You can also provide educational information and advice on your website if you are expert at something.

Step 2
Use a website builder to create your website. One of the easy-to-use website builders that can help you build a website is Bluevoda website builder. Bluevoda site builder allows users to build a website without technical knowledge. You don’t need to build your site from scratch. The trick is to use a free professional template provided by the site builder and then start adding your text and links to your website. You can add some graphics and pictures to make your site look nicer. After completing your website project, your next step is register a domain name and sign up for a hosting account to publish your website on the Internet.

Step 3
Join Google AdSense program. It will usually take several days for Google AdSense team to review and approve your site. If Google accepts your application. You can start learning how to generate AdSense code for inserting to your website to generate Adsense revenue. If your site rejected by Google, don’t get upset easily. Google will let you know the reasons of the rejection. You can fix the problems and reapply again.

Step 4
You need to drive targeted Visitors/Traffic to your website to generate Adsense revenue. The higher your website’s traffic the greater your Adsense earning will be. Below are some of the ways that can help you drive some traffic to your website in short period of time.

1) Use Per-per-click (PPC) advertising. The two most popular PPC search engines are Google and Yahoo. Google and Yahoo can deliver instant traffic to your website but it is costly to advertise on Google and Yahoo. There are other alternatives like and which are cheaper to advertise with.

2) Introduce your site to your family and friends.

3) Write several articles with a link to your website on the resource box and submit them to article directories. You can find a list of article directories by going to Google and entering the search term 'article directory'.

4) Post messages on community forums with a link to your site on the signature of each message posted.

Make Money Blogging

Blogging - The most popular way to make money

This article is intended to teach you step by step how to get started and more importantly, make money blogging. We will teach you how to start a home based blogging business. Please leave us comments, questions, or success stories so that we can improve this guide.

According to Wikipedia, "A weblog, which is usually shortened to blog, is a type of web site where entries are made (such as in a journal or diary)." (Wikipedia, March 2007) It was not until recently however, that people have been using blogging as a full time home based business and have been making enough money to make it worth while.

So, how do you start to make money blogging? Believe it or not, It's actually fairly easy to get started. If you have a access to a computer and internet it can even be completely free! If you do not have a computer at home, you can always go to your local library and blog from there. So, if you are serious about making money blogging, there should be no excuses stopping you.

make money bloggin

Once you decide that blogging is right for you, you need to find a blogging platform. There are a number of web sites that will allow you to host your blog. Alternatively, you can create you own website and blog using wordpress. If you decide that making your own blog web site is a little beyond your technical skills, you can use any of the following companies.

Obviously there literally hundreds of other blogging sites that you can use. Feel free to do a search for "free blog" in your favorite search engine.

Once you have a platform from which to start blogging, you need to decide on your "niche" market. Think about the last time you searched on the internet for a topic that you wanted to learn more about? Perhaps you even found our site by doing such a search. The simple fact is, people go to the internet to find information. If you can supply that information, you will begin to accrue readers and profit from that web traffic.

By choosing a niche market, like make money blogging for example, you are funneling the search traffic into a select group of people who will actually be interested in what you have to say. So, rather than coming to your blog and hitting the back button, the reader will see that your blog is about their interests and will stay and read.

The next step is to blog every day. In fact, one of the biggest mistakes new bloggers make is thinking that they can post a blog and forget about it. This is NOT the case. In order to make it big, you have to keep readers interested and coming back to your blog again and again.

It's really not hard to do, especially if you chose a niche market that you are interested in. People really do want to know what you have to say, even if it is only opinions or your daily life story. Once you get someone interested, they will come back time and time again and that is where the money is made.

Next, you need to throw up some ads. You can choose from any number of ad companies but for beginners we suggest either Google Adsense, or Yahoo Marketing

Once you have your ads up and once you attract enough readers, sit back, continue blogging and watch the money come in. Each time someone views your blogs, there is a chance (usually around 2%) that they will click on an ad and you will get paid. Talk about an easy home business! The more readers you get, the more money you will rake in. Some blogs make well over 6 figures a year and the sky is the limit. So why not get started and begin making money by blogging?


Thursday, 6 November 2008

My Passion, My Life....

Every morning I excitedly get out of bed. Just a few minutes of goals and visions for the day swirl in my head. No lingering for me, no alarm, no wishful notes too. Just me in my night gown with no hat.

I sit down to enter my dreams and what can notes. In my journal entries that began long ago with a tiny book and its lock and key. I used to dwell on all the icky things back then but now I write God with my cheers and glees instead.

I remember the days I knew not whether I was going to live or die. I also never thought I'd see why cancer came by. I'm glad I had cancer because today I like the who I've become. Which would have never occurred had it not appeared.

If I dwell, I can remember the day of an accident that left me in a wheel chair for years. Because I know if I do, today there will be a lot of have nots and heart of tears too.

As a coach I've been trained to be in the present moment with me. Thank goodness for apple trees. For if it had not been for growing things fresh air would not have been. And I would not be able to enjoy breathing it all in.

Next I write wisdom, only wisdom that I can share. I know that someone will be here and be inspired because I'd cared. I travel through my day with a soul of glee. Knowing, really knowing, this is the right place for me to be. The excitement occurs when I pick up my pen and get the surprise of how far its all come.

I know there were days long ago when I dreaded my day. I'm glad, I'm glad, there aren't none of them anymore. For when their inklings first appear, I now have the training and support to make them disappear. Coaching made me work so that I can appear.

When I crawl under the covers at night, I smile with prayer at the difference I made in everyone’s life this day. Just because I was there. Before I drift off to sleep my sugar plums swirl with what next I can do with my pen. I nod off to sleep, gracefully and slow, lingering on the stories yet to be told.

Occasionally there is a 2 am up. Just because what was swirling before needs to be said. So I honor the time with my pen and then its back to la-la-land I go. I'm so glad of my passion, my life. Its allows everything to be said. After my last eye lid shutter, my last thought is tomorrow’s putter.
Thanks for all.
Article Source:

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Stone and Stone-Breaker.

A very strict officer was talking to some new soldiers whom he had to train. He had never seen them before, so he began:
“My name is Stone, and I’m even harder than stone, so do what I tell you or there’ll be trouble. Don’t try any tricks with me, and then we’ll get on well together.”
Then he went to each soldier one after the other and asked him his name. “Speak loudly so that everyone can hear you clearly,” he said, and don’t forget to call me ‘sir’.
Each soldier told him his name, until he came to the last one. This man remained last one. This man remained silent, and so Captain Stone shouted at him, “When I ask you a question, answer it! I’ll ask you again: What’s your name, soldier?”
The soldier was very unhappy, but at last he replied.
“My name’s Stone-breaker, sir”, he said nervously.